Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog envy

After perusing a blog or two of some close relatives, I realized that my blog leaves a lot to be desired. Perhaps the black background and lack of any real eye candy detract from a blog title that I think is still quite clever. I feel embraced by some blogs I see and am quite in awe of the visual and audio spectacle that opens before me.

If I have some time, I may throw in a recipe or two and maybe some music to ensnare the senses of the reader. If you want pictures of flowers and baskets of smelly things, this still will not be the place to visit. Maybe I could teach people valuable lessons and tips about whatever it is that I know.

If I ever get around to putting any of my project vehicles together, I will include photos of that kind of thing. Maybe no one will like to see it, but at least I will like it.

Putting funny pictures from the internet on Facebook for my profile pictures is getting a little old, so I will use this as my creative outlet. The caveat with this, as always, is that I hope to have enough time to do this. Maybe all I will have time for is what fixing garbage trucks looks like, since that takes the majority of my time.

I need to get to bed, so I will continue ramblin' on later....


Kathy B. said...

I love you and your simple blog. Don't ever compare you or your blog to those around you. We love you just the way you are!

Shannon said...

I visit your blog to get a healthy dose of witty analogies, clever epiphanies, and down-right hilarious observations.

YOUR blog is yours for a reason. Just they way it should be! Do I have you on my list of readers for my blog? Email me at jands95@msn.com if not.