Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flat cat

This happened a while ago, but is still worth mentioning...

My wife Kathy was doing some laundry and had a large pile of clothes in the hall that we needed to take downstairs. I probably should have taken the laundry downstairs when I saw it, but I decided to walk over the pile and go somewhere else.

I stepped on what felt like a warm, soft towel. I am quite confident it was bearing my full weight when I looked down and realized it wasn't a towel at all. I had pinned our cat Mittz to the floor.
There was no sound, as I am sure there was no air left in his lungs. I also don't remember feeling any of his ribs when I stepped on him. All of that stuff had to have been displaced somewhere, but he immediately got up with no ill effects. I checked him over, and was quite astounded that everything was still intact and that the only body parts I had to stuff back in were his eyes.
Gentle, but firm, pressure with the moistened eraser on a pencil were all it took to pop them back in.

I am lying about his eyes. There really was nothing wrong with him.

I wish I could say that was the only run in I've had with cats, but it isn't. ALWAYS check before you sit down on the couch. I didn't, and only knew I was sitting on the cat when I could feel his limbs quiver beneath my buttocks. Poor cat...


Lynette said...

Poor kitty!!! Glad it survived!!!

The Shelley Family said...

OH MY GOSH! That is Utard for WOW!
Thanks for the laugh! My 4 year old used to sneak the neighbor cat in our house...and hide him in the couch cushions...I sat on that poor thing more than once..not a PEEP out of the cat...I only knew when my panicked son came in and said "mom u are sittin on acka" Lol