Monday, April 20, 2009

Josh Broadhead- Motivational Speaker

I have been working really hard on eating well and exercising over the past month and struggle sometimes with discouragement. Despite the assurances from Clayton (my life coach/nurse in charge of my health program), I want to lose weight faster than is possible. I get impatient, to put it bluntly. I can motivate myself quite easily to keep going and not give up. The reason for that is the misery and worry involved with being overweight feels worse than the temporary discouragement when I can't see the results I want when I want them.

I was getting Josh dressed this morning and had him laying in front of me on the bed so I could get his pants on him. As he was laying there he pressed his feet into my stomach and told me that I have a big belly and that I am going to explode. That really made me laugh. I have been smiling about that for most of the day since. I really hope I don't explode, especially in front of him.

The only person I have ever seen explode is on Monty Python, which is where the above photo hails from. "Just one wafer thin mint!"

I think the best ways I can survive worry and discouragement is with my sense of humor and by just enjoying the ride. I have a really funny and wonderful family that make me laugh all the time. Josh is 4 and calls things as he sees them.

All I can do is be consistent with my exercise and eating habits and the results will come.

Good night...

1 comment:

Bethie said...

I love your blog:) good luck, I am excited to follow your process and life!!